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It’s everyone’s dream to get a place of their own and experience life staying on their own. That’s why staying away from home—be it rental property or lease apartments—is the most exciting phase in everybody’s life.

You meet new people, get a place of your own, get to cook for yourself, and get started on the journey of self-discovery. That said, at times when you are low, there’s no worse feeling than coming home to an empty room and have no one waiting.

flats on rent near metro station

Image: Flickr

There are moments when you want company, to be entertained and looked after. And who better to do these things with than your best friend!

Moving in with your best friend comes with a number of great perks. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why living with them might just be the best decision you’ll ever take.

It’s Party Night, Every Night

Unlike when you lived with your folks and had to plan lunch dates with your best friend in advance, you can now simply chill at home after work. Impromptu parties are always great, and all you need to do is bring home some wine.

Mi Clothes, Su Clothes

No amount of clothes can ever make your wardrobe feel complete. If you don’t mind sharing your clothes, you can effectively double your wardrobe without even stepping out of your house.

If you and your friends are almost the same size, you can share each other’s wardrobes. You won’t ever run out of options to dress up. This keeps you from overspending, plus you get that extra space in your wardrobe to store.

Countless Soul Sessions

Your best friend knows you better than any therapist ever will. Nothing helps heal a broken heart faster than a one-to-one conversation with your best friend. Even your bad days’ end on a good note, because you get to vent about them.

Dealing with hangovers is a whole lot easier when you have your sympathetic bestie looking after you. You talk all night long with your best friend and sort out your existential crisis!

Non-Stop TV Marathons

You don’t have to fret about streaming your favourite series online when your friend is obsessed with the same. Binge watching movies and TV series without being judged definitely tops the list of amazing things you can do with your friend. As a bonus, you also get to share internet charges.

There’s Food 24/7

No matter how late you reach home or how tired you are to cook, there’s always food at home. You can bid adieu to that daily stress of cooking yourself dinner when you can split take-out food with your friend.

So long as your bestie is a half-decent cook, your daily cooking woes are gone.

A Date You Can’t Say No To

We’ve all been there: cancelling a trip or stopping yourself from going on a trip because you had no company. When you live with your best friend, you always have a plus one. You can explore new places, go to clubs and parties, and even pursue each other’s hobbies.

You will look forward to spending your weekends with them, and wish they never ended. #bffsforlife!

All Your Chores Become Fun Activities

Running weekly errands won’t feel like a drag when you do them with your best friend. Hollering over the same old songs on the radio, dancing crazily, or enacting funny scenes from beloved movies will make your chore time enjoyable. Chores like paying off bills for your leased flat or your rented apartment get an additional boost too: they become light on your wallet as you will split all the bills with your best friend.

Let’s not forget about the money you’d save by not going to the gym while still burning those calories with uncontrollable laughter! Give yourself a break from staying all alone or putting up with a roommate you barely know, and move in with your best friend NOW!

What’s your favourite thing to do with your roommate/best friend? Comment below and let us know!